Why I Chose To Do Hand Tied Extensions
As a hair artist, I love having a big gorgeous canvas to work with. So that’s one reason.
But the truest of all my reasons is the pure joy & satisfaction of taking someone with really crappy hair & turning them into someone with really amazing hair!
I see a lot of women with Thyroid, autoimmune, hormonal issues (the list goes on) that cause hair loss or a serious lack of growth. Or maybe they just got genetically gypped & just didn’t get thick hair.
These women come & sit in my chair & talk about how terrible their natural hair makes them feel & I truly feel for them so much! My heart hurts when I hear their stories & how their lack of hair affects their self image & self worth. I’ve been brought to tears of empathy & then of course, joy with these women.
Hair may seem trivial to some, but to others, it affects self confidence immensely! I’m a “fixer” by nature, so of course I want to do what I can to help.
My old solutions were to cut it shorter & recommend some hair growth shampoos & just cross our fingers it worked for that individual. But even with hair growth systems, it’s slow results & the amount of hair is still limited, not to mention they don’t always work and I’m not a doctor.
Other extensions weren’t an option because you can still see the attachments if the wind blows. Or their hair can’t hold the weight of them. I also hated the sticky adhesives or the damage they would cause!
So in a search for something better, I discovered a new & better solution, Hand Tied Extensions! They can be attached in various methods that are appropriate for different individuals.
I personally use GRACE HAND TIED, NBR & SKW methods. These are the most safe, gentle, comfortable & versatile methods for my clients that I’m aware of so far & I’m always researching!
Since there is no tape or glue at the top, just a sewn weft of hair, I can color them to blend perfectly with my client’s hair color. #1 camouflage technique!
When I lay the foundation with the specific methods I use, it allows me to disburse the weight off of all of her hair. So I’m able to add a lot more hair for someone that may otherwise not hold the weight with tapes, fusions or bonds.
It takes a meticulous study & practice to learn these methods. Since every head is completely different in density, texture, shape, & color. Great care is taken to make sure their sustainable, versatile, comfortable & camouflage.
What I do for women isn’t just making pretty hair. It’s giving them confidence they’ve never experienced before.
The ability to walk into a room & own it, rather than try to blend into the back of it. To stand tall & smile big because they don’t have to worry about how having shitty hair makes them look & feel.
Most all women love to feel pretty & love pretty things. I Lift other women up by making them feel beautiful & confident. From that comes those extra compliments from others it’s an amazing cycle.
We rise by lifting others. The best women genuinely compliment each other & it feels so good when you’re going out, getting validation & getting Lifted.