I used to HATE my profile

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Jacki Spellman LS

October 29 · 

I had a conversation tonight with another stylist, Jason J. Daniel who re-sparked something I had said in a live video a month ago. About how I value beauty. About how most stylists value creating beauty because they have felt ugly at some point. So we value creating it for others. I spend my day coloring and cutting hair, or adding extensions while delivering words of affirmation to make people look & feel the best that I can!

The truth is, I have spent a lot of my life hating what I saw in the mirror. It took me years to see the beauty in myself. So I make sure I at least validate beauty in others every day, even on my days off theres beautiful strangers that need to hear an authentic random compliment!

I mostly hated my profile. In middle school, I was called a “witch” like A LOT! “No Halloween costume needed for Jacki SPELLMAN!” ... Neener, neener assholes 🖕. I tend to look like I’m glaring or scowling naturally, especially then. The RBF is real! I carried that with me until very recently. Can you guess what I’ve never been for Halloween?

But something switched inside me (which is a whole other story) while it was so easy for me to see & provoke beauty in others, it was not always so easy inside myself until now.

What’s important now is that I do see it, I actually enjoy my pointy profile now. My husband had always said it is his favorite thing about my looks, while it was a cause of disdain for me. I would never allow a photo of my profile, but now I see the beauty in it. Growing up & Glowing Up helps. Being in your 30’s and giving fewer fucks about things that are surface deep helps. I think acceptance comes easier as we age.

Practicing self-care and self love in your body & mind. Nurturing yourself first, in the way you would any living being in your care is so important. I encourage you to see yourself as a worthy being of Earth & Universe that God & so many other people love. I would also encourage you to sit & look deep inside your own eyes & tell the person in the mirror that you are beautiful & worthy repeatedly until you believe it, daily.

Beautiful makeup, lashes & hair help of course. But I’ve had all those things & still felt ugly & unworthy before too. So reach inside & find the beauty you hold. I promise it’s there.

Get Lifted Loves

❤️ Jacki Spellman

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